Trophy Dice Bot for Discord


This is the Trophy dice roller bot for Discord. Use the commands below to get your results for various rolls used in Trophy Dark, Trophy Gold, and other Rooted in Trophy games.

Most commands return dice, either light dice, dark dice, a mix of dark and light dice, or gold dice.

Light and dark dice are six-sided dice with three tiers:

  • 1–3 show hollow pips, and are bad results on Hunt Rolls and Risk Rolls.
  • 4–5 show solid pips, and are mixed results on Hunt Rolls and Risk Rolls.
  • 6 shows the Trophy icon, and is a good result on Hunt Rolls and Risk Rolls.


;help — Use ;help to get this information.

;combat # — Use ;combat followed by the # of dark dice to make a Combat Roll.

;dark # — Use ;dark followed by the # of dark dice.

;gold # — Use ;gold followed by the # of gold dice to make a Gold Roll.

;hunt # — Use ;hunt followed by the # of light dice to make a Hunt Roll.

;light # — Use ;light followed by the # of light dice.

;reduction — Use ;reduction to see if your Ruin goes down.

;risk # # — Use ;risk followed by the # of light dice then the # of dark dice to make a Risk Roll. If you only include 1 number, it will roll only light dice.

;ruin — Use ;ruin to see if your Ruin goes up.

;weak — Use ;weak to get your Weak Point before a Combat Roll.

Install it on your server

This bot was written by Mags Maenad, and is maintained by Jesse Ross.