A tabletop roleplaying game of dark forests, doomed treasure-hunters, and a world woven on a loom of rumor, history, and myth.

Trophy Dark is a collaborative storytelling game about a group of treasure-hunters on a doomed expedition into a forest that doesn’t want them there.

Trophy Dark is available
in PDF for $15 at DriveThruRPG
and in print for $45 at Studio 2.
Playing online? Make yourself a copy of Arktosaur’s shareable character keeper.
Listen to the Trophy podcast, featuring
an actual play game of Trophy Dark,
advice for how to run Trophy Gold,
and The Sixth Ring discussion show.
Watch play-throughs of Trophy Dark.
Use the virtual Trophy dice roller app
created by Daniel Wallace.
Show your love for the forest
with official Trophy gear.

Trophy Gold adapts and expands the base rules of Trophy Dark for old school, campaign-style play.

Trophy Gold is available
in PDF for $15 at DriveThruRPG
and in print for $45 at Studio 2.
Ramanan Sivaranjan made a
character generator for Trophy Gold.
Playing online? Make yourself a copy of Arktosaur’s shareable character keeper.
Watch play-throughs of Trophy Gold.
Listen to in-depth rules explanations
and examples for Trophy Gold.

Trophy Loom is a system-agnostic setting book for creating your own dark fantasy world.

Trophy Loom is available
in PDF for $15 at DriveThruRPG
and in print for $45 at Studio 2.

Get a closer look at the world of Trophy.

Show that your published game materials are compatible with Trophy Dark and Trophy Gold with the Designed for Trophy license and logo.

Build Trophy-based games using the
Rooted in Trophy System Reference Document.
Designed by Jesse Ross
Published by The Gauntlet and Hedgemaze Press